Our Services.
Consistency Coaching
Do you ever think to yourself “If only someone would hold me ACCOUNTABLE!” ?
Maybe you wake up in the morning motivated to eat better and exercise - only to find that by mid-afternoon you’re eating a bag of chips, ordering a double caramel macchiatto, and you’re nowhere near your steps goal?
… If this is you, this 6 week program is PERFECT for you.
Here is what you get:
60 minute initial zoom session. We solidify your goals, get honest about your weaknesses, and get really clear about WHY you want to change things. We come up with a game plan and put it in writing.
2x30 minute zoom ‘Check Ins”: We make sure you’re on track to reach your goals. We highlight all the things that are going well, and we talk honestly about the things that aren’t - and we come up with solutions.
Daily access to me. I’m there for you via text. You let me know how your workout went that day, what you had for lunch… or that you’re struggling to get out for your workout and I’ll give you that extra push.
In Person ‘From Scratch’ Coaching
Ideal for the person starting ‘from scratch’ and REALLY needs a very personal in-person experience.
This is a custom 6-week minimum program. We create a balanced program with cardio, strength, core, and stretching.
We will focus on building cardiovascular endurance, and safely add strength exercises focusing on your major muscle groups and core strength.
My very private studio has a commercial treadmill, Belicon Trampoline, free weights, and TRX suspension.
A 20 free 15 minute consult is required before signing up.